Sunday, January 6, 2008

The excitement builds...

The timing of the LORD is amazing to me. Each day is known by God and revealed in time. His word declares that He will tell us things before they happen. And I am seeing some of those words come to pass in our ministry right now. We have been blessed to come to a place that has been established for quite some time, but needs a fresh touch and fresh breath from God. Prophetically my wife and daughter and I are part of that new breath. I am not at liberty this very moment to share with you about the details of the season we are in right now, but i can tell you some of the fruit that we are seeing. within the last couple of months we have had a little over a dozen people come and worship with us who have never been to our church before. From that group 4 have come and now call our church home not to mention that they are becoming more and more actively involved in leading us in worship. I just met a couple more tonight that has been through the ringer in life and they are right now finding themselves embraced by God in new ways. They came tonight for the first time and it was a true blessing to see God allover them.

I am glad that I have been taught the value of community and relationships with other people. It is here that we grow and blossom into the beautiful creations that God intended for us to be. It is here that we are able to express ourselves in safe ways and dive in to experience more of God.

yet i also value and treasure the ability and blessing of being alone. Alone with God. To rest. To think. To grow. To listen. He has so much to say. Yet it is so easy to "pray on the run" and miss the heartbeat of God or confuse it for the fast heart beat of ourselves.

As we begin this new year. I wonder who along the readers of this blog will devote sacred and special time to allow a new season to come upon you in your life with Christ. Time set aside for you and Him. And He and you. Allow the excitement of the possibilities and the eagerness of the promises along with the passion of the vision to grow within you so that the next time you meet in a community full of believers that you can dance and whirl about with greater freedom because of what He has shared with you in the secret.

Allow the excitement to build based not on what you see alone, but in the vision that He has given you to meet what you are seeing take place before you. And if you dont have a vision for your life worth looking at that is all the more reason to get alone with God so that He can show you more than you ever dreamed possible.

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