Thursday, April 10, 2008

Prophetic Revelation of Love

I am writting this blog to tell all who will hear that there is a new revelation of His (Gods) love closing in on us in a powerful way. I have been praying for a greater revelation of His love for several months. And I know that He is answering it not only in me but in the Church as a whole.

We (the Church) have just ended a season of tasting. And now The LORD is teaching us how to cook.

This last season was filled with signs wonders and miracles of all types and they did not hinge on our ability to make them hapen nor will they however what is coming is based on our understanding of His love.

Through this tasting we have been able to see prayers imediately answered and some over time, and yet still others seemingly unanswered. He was leading us through and we just go to see some of this on the way to the kitchen. A cooks tour of the area if you will to know what is out there and what is not that will make the biggest impact. Almost a buffet to allow us each to understand where and how we fit into the body the best. Long ago several years, we watched as The LORD began raising people up to fill their place of ministry and calling those out into the hallway to await their assignment and to this point they have been wondering. Now they are being called to their stations to prepare a meal for the King based on what we have learned in the process.

I pray that this is making sense to you!

All that has been done to this point has been to show us this deeper more life altering view of His Love. I can describe it best like this. When I was a kid my mother used to tell me a hundred times in 15 seconds that she loved me and to be good and to be careful and then again that she loved me. And to this day she still does and I better understand as a parent why she has done what she has done. I have caught on to this and have had to stop my self from annoying my wife who has a different understaning at this point than I have had. No longer are we calling to Jesus and praying prayers out of fear but now is the time when the revelation of Love hits so strongly that all we need now is to whisper "I love you" and all of heaven stands at attention as the kaboud decends like thunder over the one making the declaration. And it is from here that we hear the beating of His heart so closly that we can actually feel where each beat of His heart transports the blood that is pumped with each beat, we feel each pounding beat racing turn through His veins and arteries until it reaches the point of use, and there we feel the thunder clap as it has fulfilled its purpose, all while holding onto the chest of our beloved.

This revelation has been packaged up and is awaiting its delivery all over the world right this very minute.

Hang on!!! When this hits you, will physically feel it if it hasnt hit you already.

May The LORD use this word to affirm what your spirit already knows.

1 comment:

TippeKUHNoe said...

Not really a comment on this specific entry. Just wanted to say, "How the heck are you?" I haven't been able to find you anywhere man. And you don't even have and email link on your blog. Anyways... I just wanted to catch up with you.

Rachel the boys and I are moving back to Ohio this summer. We'll have to get together sometime.
