Thursday, December 27, 2007

Moments of Reflection

I was working on the format of this page today. While looking through pictures to put here i was refreshed by the breeze of the Amazon river once again. I was blessed to be able to travel their with several others from my home town church for a construction project. While we were there we experienced God in many ways many times throughout the day. From hospitality, language barriers, crowded street malls, pizza with capers and mayo, to walking in on the prayer time of a group of young adults wailing before The LORD. Fervency is something that we need in the church today. We have a lot of people who talk (a lot) about all that it should be and could be. Where are the people that are doing it? I am pleased to say that the number is growing each and every day. The realities of The Kingdom are being expressed in the hearts of those who truly hunger for the things of God. I'm talking about a hunger that hurts and forces one to their knees in intercession and dedication. Ones who will take the Kingdom of God by force and violence as the word tells us.

While on a boat lazily moving through the dark piranha infested waters of the Amazon all of these thoughts came rushing in. Even amidst propped up feet and cool water in my hands to drink. What was it about that place? Isolation with God.

We all need it. Time alone. With Him. Take that time today and be refreshed while you allow Him to pull up a chair next to you and talk about all the things He has for you to dream about and see come to pass in your life.

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